Trends | Raleigh Garage Doors
Garages today are so much more than a place to keep your vehicles out of the weather and elements. They’re designed as an extension of your home. Oftentimes, garages have storage space, hobby tables, workbenches and more. Raleigh garage doors are insulated so that spending time in your garage to work or play is comfortable temperature-wise.
One of the biggest garage trends of today is installing eye-catching, unique Raleigh garage doors to add extra curb appeal to the overall home! The upscale garage doors offered now aren’t just for the garage. They’re quickly becoming our new front door. Very few people actually use their front door to enter their home on a regular basis these days.
Garages make up around 30% of our homes. It’s only natural that we have begun to take care of our garage and Raleigh garage doors just as we do our homes. Making sure our garage doors will complement our home’s architectural style is just as important as making sure they’re working properly.
For those just building a garage for your existing home, a big trend now is constructing a garage larger than you’d ever expect to need. Going as large as possible with your new garage will offer extra storage and possibly extra living space. However, it is important to consider proportions when constructing your new garage. It should complement your home in size; not overpower it.
If you’re building a new home, the sky – or budget, rather – is the limit! You might need to rework blueprints to accommodate a larger garage than originally planned for the home.
You never know what the future holds. That’s why it’s important to have a garage that can accommodate the future! If your children will be driving in 5-10 years, consider adding a third bay for them. If your in-laws are looking to visit more often, you might want to add an upstairs apartment for them to stay in!
Hanson Overhead | Raleigh Garage Doors
If you’re considering new Raleigh garage doors for your home, look no further! Our company reviewed hundreds of different brands of garage doors before settling on the best quality doors available on the market. The quality and look of these of our doors can’t be compared. We are proud to serve you with these products and would be happy to come out and do a free consultation for a new garage door installation. To learn more about our Raleigh garage doors, contact us!
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