Raleigh Garage Door Repair: Garage Cleaning Guide Can Help Your Door Stay Safe!
The garage is probably the hardest room of your home to keep neat and clutter-free. For starters, there’s a good chance that your garage is more than just a place to store your car. It’s also the place where you store your tools, old toys and other items. It’s easy to accumulate a great deal of “stuff” in your garage, sometimes to the point that your car will no longer fit!
Raleigh Garage Door Repair | Organize Your Garage!
Organizing your garage is a great springtime project. It will create the necessary room to store all of the tools and gadgets that your summer activities and projects will require. Getting your garage in shape for the summer will probably take up at least one weekend day of your time, hopefully not more! Cooperation from your family members will be a big help so get them involved! Also, it’s important to have a plan of action before you start.
Most people don’t even think of creating a plan for cleaning their garage. Without a guide that helps you and inspires you, you’ll never get the garage as clean and organized as you’d like. Below, you’ll find a few tips from our Raleigh garage door repair specialists that should help you get your garage cleaned and organized before the summer season hits!
Clear Out the Clutter
Step One: Tackle the piles of “stuff” that have accumulated over the winter. Weather permitting, haul everything outside where you’ll have room to work. Your alternative is to work one area of your garage at a time. Make sure you have plenty of cardboard boxes, plastic storage containers, trash bags and an empty trash bin.
Start sorting your items one by one, placing each item in the appropriate cardboard box. If some items are too large to fit in a box, place them in separate piles. Your box and pile categories should be identified as follows:
Keep in garage. This category is for items that you definitely want to keep in the garage. Make sure the items are needed and fit well in the garage without blocking anything important.
Store elsewhere. If an item should logically be stored in another room of your house it belongs in this category.
Sell. Set aside any unwanted items that are in good enough condition to sell.
Donate. This is for items that you prefer to donate to charity. These items should be in decent and workable condition.
Discard. Items that are broken or unsalvageable should go in this pile.
To continue learning how to make a plan of action for cleaning and organizing your garage this spring, be sure to check back with our Raleigh garage door specialists soon! In the meantime, contact Hanson Overhead to schedule a maintenance check!
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