Raleigh Garage Door Opener Issues
Garage door openers are one of the most important aspects of our Raleigh garage door. It’s amazing how many times we use them, daily, but never give them a second thought. We usually spend more time maintaining our Raleigh garage door, spending money on it to ensure that it looks its best, works properly, and never offers any problems. Why not do the same thing for our garage door opener?
If you care for your garage door opener, just as you do your door, you may be able to eliminate the need for a 10 p.m. emergency call to your garage door repair guy.
Of course, remembering to have the garage door opener serviced regularly will take time and effort so that you remember to have it done. So, what happens when your garage door opener decides to take the day off and leaves you stranded outside the garage during a rainstorm?
Thankfully, there are a few things you can do, on your own, to diagnose and possibly repair the issues that your Raleigh garage door opener is having! Below, you’ll find a list of quick fixes that will hopefully help you with all your opener issues!
Plug Check
Is the power cord plugged into a working outlet? This is the most commonly overlooked issue with openers. Check the power sources to ensure they’re all working properly!
Oftentimes, garage door openers have a lock feature that may have been activated by accident. Check to make sure it’s turned off.
On and Off
Sometimes turning your opener off and then on again might help to reset the sensors. Also be sure to unplug it while it’s off.
New Batteries
Sometimes the batteries lose their charge without us even realizing it! Try replacing them even if you’re sure that’s not the problem!
Remote Issues
It’s possible your remote has become deprogrammed. Your manual will be able to help you reset it. If you have issues, you can contact our Raleigh garage door repair team for help, as well!
Beam Check
Is the beam sensor plugged in? If it’s not, you’ve found your problem!
Sensor Eyes
Sometimes, the eyes of the sensor tend to get dirty. The eyes are located in the front of the opener, near the on/off button. Use a wet cloth to dust the eyes and then check your door to see if it works. When the sensor eyes get dusty, the signal from your remote gets blocked.
Chain Check
Is the chain broken or loose? If it is, this is something you need an expert for. Contact Hanson Overhead, immediately, no matter what time it is, as we are proud to offer you 24/7 service repair!
When to Get Help
It’s possible that your Raleigh garage door opener needs professional help. In this case, there’s nothing you can do but call a repair tech. In the meantime, you should be able to operate your garage door by hand, until it’s fixed!
Pulling the red release cord will free the door so that you can open and close it manually. If you have an older door, there might not be a release cord. In this case, it can be dangerous to try and open it yourself. It’s best to wait on the repair tech to help get it open.
Contact Hanson Overhead, Raleigh Garage Door Company, today, to schedule an appointment for a routine maintenance check!
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