Why is My Raleigh Garage Door Making Terribly Loud Noises?!
Are you embarrassed to open and close your Raleigh garage door because it makes a terribly loud noise every single time? Are you worried what they neighbors will think when they hear the noise early in the morning as you’re leaving for work? Even worse, do you worry how long it’s going to be before the whole door comes crashing down?
If you are contemplating the answers to any of these questions, you’ve come to the right place! Our Raleigh garage door team is here to help you get to the bottom of what’s making that terribly loud noise and get it fixed ASAP!
The good news is, whatever is causing your garage door to sound like a monster each time it’s opened or closed is fixable. The question is, what is causing it to make all that noise?!
Of course, all garage doors and openers make some sort of sound. It’s impossible to have one that’s completely silent. That being said, it doesn’t have to sound like a waking monster, either! There are several things that could be causing the gears and moving parts of your garage door to make these noises.
The most common cause of a loud Raleigh garage door is friction. When garage door openers age their parts become stiff and grind noisily against each other. Bolts and screws also tend to loosen due to wear and tear and often need replacement.
Almost all of the elements of your garage door wear out eventually and need to be replaced. The question now is, do I replace these elements myself or should I hire a Raleigh garage door professional?
In our next post we are going to offer a few tips and advice that will hopefully answer whether or not you should try to fix your loud garage door opener on your own, without contacting a Raleigh garage door expert! Be sure to visit back with us soon! Also, to schedule a maintenance check to ensure that your garage doors are in great shape and ready for the upcoming fall weather, contact Hanson Overhead of Raleigh!
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